Welcome to the Viet Nam Vets Legacy Vets Motorcycle Club Texas State Website

We Are What MCs Are Supposed to Be About… Brotherhood, Loyalty, Respect and Motorcycles
Our club, Texas VNVLV MC follows the traditions of the Three-Piece Patch Motorcycle Clubs.
We are the largest all-military motorcycle club in the world. Our members are both active military and those who have served but are now separated from their branch of service.
We are not involved in any other club’s business or interests. We are our own club. We believe in the “give none, take none” view.
“How to Become A Member”
We are a growing organization with members across the USA and around the world. If you think you have what it takes to join us either talk to one of our brothers directly, or use our contact form and will give you the opportunity to talk with us.
Some or our main reasons to exist are to support veterans’ issues, especially POW/MIA missions, share our interest in motorcycles, and experiencing the brotherhood that comes with living this way.
To learn more about us click these links.
We have two patches and we are one club. There is no separation or difference between our brothers who served in Viet Nam, or during the Viet Nam War Era, and our “Legacy” brothers who served or are currently serving in the military now.
Copyright notice: All images on this site, except the Viet Nam Vets Legacy Vets three-piece patch, are the property of Texas State VNVLV MC, and copyrighted. They may not be used without the permission. The three-piece patch is the property of the Viet Name Vets Legacy Vets Motorcycle Club.