Legacy Vets – Who We Are
The definition of “Legacy” is a gift or Honor handed down through a family line. We the Legacy Vets gladly accept a gift of responsibility from our Viet Nam Vets Motorcycle Club Brothers. They’ve come before us and are entrusting us to carry on their visions, principles and traditions well into the future.
“A Brotherhood of Warriors!”
We, the Legacy Vets Brothers are ALL active duty Military or Veterans who’ve entered the American Military and served Honorably after December 1975.
Our goals are to contribute our time, efforts and resources to the Viet Nam Vets Motorcycle Club, by following their examples and leadership in creating a better future for all veterans and their families. At the same time assuming an increasing level of responsibilities of the expanding operations of our Motorcycle Club. All Legacy Vets Brothers are advocates and activist for veterans rights and related issues;

Our primary mission is to do whatever is necessary to bring our POW/MIA Brothers home from ALL Wars and to insist on full accountability from our elected officials.
As advocates, we participate in motorcycle & community activities to draw public attention to the unique problems of all Veterans, especially the Vietnam Veterans.
As activists, by organizing motorcycle events within our communities, which help all Veterans that are unable to help themselves.
The Viet Nam Vets MC and it’s Legacy Vets continue to honor our solemn oath to Defend & Protect the Constitution of the United States and the inalienable principles on which it is formulated.
We fought together, We’ll ride together.
The Brothers of the Viet Nam Vets MC and the Legacy Vets share more than common military experiences, we also share a common set of social codes and values. We are the returning Warriors from Beirut, Panama, El Salvador, Grenada, Somalia, Desert Storm, Bosnia, Kosovo, East Timor, Afghanistan, Iraq and what ever happened last week.
We’ve been humiliated and ostracized for our Patriotic service, then lied to, denied medical and reorientation benefits from our own Government. We were sent to fight in foreign lands in defense our nations founding principles of Freedom and Democracy. We’re proud of our service, and if it makes us incompatible with others in America today, they need to deal with it.
We’re not a criminal organization nor do we intend to become one. Nor do we have any intention of getting involved with other motorcycle clubs business, or their problems.
However, we feel strongly about Government infringements upon any citizens personal liberty and civil rights. Consider that the values that we’ve fought for on foreign soil are more important to us here in America.
“We respect All Motorcycle Brotherhoods
Who share the Freedom of the wind and the road”
Becoming a Legacy Vets member and entering our unique Brotherhood takes a process; which starts which a few basics.
Verification of current US military or Veterans status.
Own a 650cc or larger Harley Davidson or HD style Motorcycle
These are only the initial requirements to be considered for membership. For a select group of men will be invited to participate as a guest in VNVMC motorcycle runs and other charitable events. Then they’ll be ready to take the next step of Prospecting.
The purpose of the “Prospecting period” is to enable the Club to get to know you and for you to get to know the Club. This ensures you are totally aware of what you’re getting yourself into and that you’re willing to support the Brotherhood.
It also gives the members a chance to see if you’ll represent our Brotherhood and Club in a respectful manner. The Prospecting process is a time of discovery, for the Brothers and the Prospect. A fully informed and prepared Prospect will become a valued Brother. Consider, every Brother has prospected, to earn the HONOR to wear the Club Patch.
“Everyone will Prospect, we make NO EXCEPTIONS”
The Legacy Vets are proud to be a part of a unique entity, we give 100% to the Viet Nam Vets Brotherhood and to each other, and there are no Prima-Donnas, egos or assholes. We are always there if called upon by our Brothers Nation wide.
If you’re interested, click on the contact button below and fill out the form, or give your name, phone number and the City where you live to any Viet Nam Vets M/C or Legacy Vets member and we’ll see to it that a Brother from your area contacts you.
Contact Us
“Red is for the Bloodshed, Black is for the mourning”
Support Your Local Red & Black
If you are a post Vietnam era veteran, active or prior service, and are interested in exploring if this club would be a good fit for you, then fill out the contact form below and send us your contact information. We will contact you via phone and possibly setup a face to face meeting.